Work-Based Learning & Youth Apprenticeship
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are essential to the development of young adults. These programs help to maintain the economic growth of our community through successful partnerships between business and the public education system. The Work-Based Learning Program of the West Allis-West Milwaukee School District is designed for high school seniors that combine a regular school schedule with employment. The purpose of the program is to encourage students to gain more meaning in their whole educational program, and provide the opportunity to adjust to the world of work.
The Work-Based Learning Program allows students to earn credit for on-the-job training in an area in which they have expressed a possible career interest. These entry-level positions provide students an opportunity to experience and evaluate the career area before entering post-high school education (Technical College or University) or training programs.
Work-based learning allows twelfth-grade students to earn credit for a paid work position. Students apply their communication and employability skills on the job and receive feedback from employers and teachers on their skill development. Students enrolled in this course will be eligible to receive an Employability Skills Certificate and possibly a Youth Apprenticeship Certificate.
Employability Skills Certificate
The intent of the Wisconsin Employability Skills Certificate Program is to recognize a student’s mastery of employability skills valued by employers, to help students explore career interests, and to provide a state credential of student mastery. Employers assess student skills expected from quality employees. Students receive a certificate based on a minimum score on the employer rating rubric, as well as being required to complete 90 on-the-job paid work hours.
Wisconsin DPI Employability Skills Certification website
For more information on West Allis-West Milwaukee youth apprenticeship opportunities, please contact Steve Carr.
Steve Carr, Coordinator of CTE -
Work-Based Learning Program Initial Enrollment Application
Work-Based Learning Program Training Agreement and Employment Verification