4th Grade
I can use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.
I can gain familiarity with factors and multiples.
I can generate and analyze patterns.
I can multiply and divide within 100.
I can generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers.
I can use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
I can extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering.
I can build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers.
I understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions.
I can solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit.
I can represent and interpret data.
Geometric measurement: I understand concepts of angle and measure angles.
I can draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.
I can explain and use figurative language, including identifying word relationships and nuances in word meanings, when reading, writing and speaking.
I can cite specific evidence to support my claim ( add to how--summarizing, theme, inference) when responding to text.
When I compare and contrast text I can recognize cultural perspectives, identities, time periods, personal events and situations.
When participating in collaborative conversations and small collaborative groups, I can provide evidence from text or from the conversation to support my ideas or the ideas of others.
I can write for a variety of purposes and audiences.
In my writing I can select a structure and choose words that match my purpose.
I can report on something I created and explain what I learned using evidence or relevant experiences that connect to my audience, purpose or situation
I can use feedback from my peers and adults when writing, creating, and speaking
I can prove that the faster something moves, the more energy it has and predict what happens when two objects hit each other
I can design, build, or improve a device that shows how energy moves in different ways and how energy changes from one form to another.
I can research how all fuel energy is derived from natural sources and show the effects harvesting energy has on the environment
I can build a model of a wave that shows its height and width and prove that waves make things move and sends information in patterned codes.
I can build a model showing how eyes can see things: light bounces off an object and enters the pupil of the eye.
I can make an argument explaining how both inside parts and outside parts help plants and animals survive.
I can model showing animals using their five senses to absorb information, think through it, and then act in the best way.
I can compare the types of fossils in different rock layers and explain how the variation in species could mean the landscape changed over time.
I can observe, measure, and analyze the erosion caused by water, ice, wind, and plants and find patterns of erosion on the Earth’s surface using a map.
I can come up with different ways to protect humans from natural events.
Social Studies
I can demonstrate my understanding of cause and effect in consideration of economics, using reliable resources and reasoning.
I can demonstrate my understanding of cause and effect in consideration of geography, using reliable resources and reasoning.
I can demonstrate my understanding of cause and effect in consideration of civics, using reliable resources and reasoning.
I can demonstrate my understanding of cause and effect in consideration of historical events and figures, using reliable resources and reasoning.
I can contribute responsibly in partner and group settings.
I can respect and consider different opinions and ideas.
I can actively listen to others.
I can show consideration for the rights and feelings of others (empathy).
I can use kind words and actions.
I can use strategies to manage emotions.
I can practice self-control.
I can follow rules and expectations.
I can stay focused and manage my time wisely.
I can complete tasks with care.
I can continue to try when faced with a challenge; does not give up easily.
I can try a variety of approaches or strategies to solve problems.