Employee Assistance
Struggling with personal relationship issues?
Needing answers to a legal or financial concern?
Feeling stress from job or family responsibilities?
Confused about how to help an aging relative?
Looking for help in coping with a loss?
Concerned about your (or a family member’s) alcohol or drug use?
What is the Employee Assistance Program?
Most of us face difficult challenges at different stages of our lives. Many of us feel stressed from juggling increasing responsibilities, from financial pressures to relationship issues. Sometimes we find ourselves facing legal concerns brought on by life events such as divorce, child custody, real-estate issues, and more. Having professionals to turn to when facing these situations can make all the difference. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP), paid for by your employer, offers professional counseling, telephonic support and online resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all at no cost to you.
What are Legal and Financial Services?
This benefit provides telephonic consultation with an attorney or financial advisor for information and referrals for a wide range of legal and financial issues at no cost to you. Referrals for ongoing legal services will be offered at a 25% discount off of customary fees. One consultation with a legal or financial professional is available per issue.
What are Work-Life Services?
Work-Life Services provide you with comprehensive telephonic or online consultation, assessment and customized referrals for your family caregiving concerns. Our Work-Life Specialists will assess your family needs and provide education information and verified referrals to local:
- Child care providers
- Elder care and dependent care services providers
- Adoption agencies
- Schools, tutoring programs, summer programs and more
In addition, Work-Life Services will assist with college, financial aid and scholarship searches.
Is it confidential?
Yes. To ensure confidentiality, all services are provided by FEI Behavioral Health (FEI), an independent provider of EAP services. Information about your personal situation is protected within the limits of state and federal laws pertaining confidentiality.
Your benefit begins with a call to the EAP, where an EAP counselor will provide an initial phone assessment of your needs and, if appropriate, will refer you for short-term counseling at a location near your home or workplace. You and your eligible family members are entitled to up to 3 confidential, in-person EAP counseling sessions per incident.
How do I access the service?
Call: (800) 236-7905
It is a comprehensive on-line tool with the following features:
- A detailed description of your EAP/Work-Life benefits as well as a collection of resources to support work, care giving and wellness issues
- A menu containing more than 90 topics
- Thousands of pages of the most current and comprehensive behavioral health news and articles
- Numerous categorized videos and hyperlinks to information on specific conditions, treatments, associations and support groups
- Searchable databases for child care and elder care
- Screening quizzes and glossaries
- Google translation feature for 50+ languages
- RSS feed subscriber
Solutions focused on navigating the spectrum of life events—EAP and Work-Life Services make it easy for you to improve the quality of your life at home and at work.
Confidential assistance available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (800) 236-7905.