Title IX
The District has designated the following individuals to serve as the District’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the District’s efforts to comply with the applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, including the District’s duty to comply with Title IX. Any inquiries regarding discrimination, harassment, or Title IX compliance may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. Reports or complaints of sexual harassment or discrimination under Title IX may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator at any time of the day, via phone, mail, email, or in person. For the complete grievance procedure, please see the policies below. The following individual has been designated and authorized as the District’s Title IX Coordinator:
To file a complaint of discrimination or harassment other than sexual harassment under Title IX, please follow the procedures in Board Policies for student complaints, and Board Policies for employee complaints.
To file a complaint of sexual harassment under Title IX, please follow the procedures in Board Policies 2266 and 411.3R for student complaints, and Board Policies 3362 and 512.1R for employee complaints. These Board policies contain information on how to file a formal complaint, how the District will respond, and the entirety of the grievance process, including prompt timelines for resolution of formal complaints of sexual harassment.