Title I Parent Information
The West Allis-West Milwaukee School District is committed to providing highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals in our classrooms. We are required by federal law to inform parents of Title I schools that they may request the following type of information about their child’s teacher(s) and/or paraprofessionals:
Whether the teacher has met the state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional status through which the state licensing criteria has been waived.
The teacher’s baccalaureate degree major and a list of any other graduate degree or certification, and the field of studies for those degrees or certifications.
Whether the child is provided services by a paraprofessional, and, if so, his/her qualifications.
The West Allis-West Milwaukee School District is approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction as a Schoolwide Title 1 District. This provides us the flexibility to use Federal Title I funds to provide math and reading intervention to support student learning. As part of Title I, individual school sites must create plans to increase the quality of learning time, embrace high-quality curriculum, and help ensure that all West Allis-West Milwaukee School District children meet the state’s challenging academic standards.
If you would like to have this information please contact your child’s school.
Schoolwide Title I Programs Include:
-A Clear Focus
-High Expectations for Students and Staff
-An Environment Focused on Learning
-Strong Leadership
-Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments Aligned with Standards
-High-Quality Professional Development
-A Collaborative Spirit and Collaborative Structure
-Meaningful Parental Involvement
-A Commitment to Continuous Review and Improvement