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Child Find Notification


Special Education Services for Students with Disabilities

The School District of West Allis-West Milwaukee, et al. is committed to providing students with disabilities a free, appropriate public education. Special education and related services for students with disabilities are provided in each school in accordance with state and federal law. If you know of a child between the ages of three and twenty one whom you believe may have a disability such as autism, cognitive disability, emotional/behavioral disability, hearing impairment, specific learning disability, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, speech and language disability, traumatic brain injury, or visual impairment, which requires special education services, please contact Student Services to obtain the necessary evaluation referral form or to receive additional information about the process. If this child attends a West Allis or West Milwaukee public or private school, referral information is available from the school principal or Student Services at (414) 604-3079. The district is committed to protecting personally-identifiable information and district personnel are instructed yearly.

Resources for Families

WAWM Special Education Rights for Parents and Students

WAWM Educación Especial Garantías de los Procedimientos 


Family Newsletter–coming soon

Family community events calendar