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Academic and Career Planning for Students

Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is a collaboratively developed, student-driven process for planning success in middle school, high school, and post-secondary academic and career development. The purpose of ACP is to engage students in career exploration and planning.  Students will engage in activities and experiences to inform and support planning educational, training and career goals after high school. The WAWM School District will use XELLO, an electronic tool, as part of the overall ACP process.

West Allis-West Milwaukee School District offers parents multiple opportunities during the school year to participate in the ACP process and to monitor the progress of their child. Parents are informed of the ACP process through web communications and during the course selection process. ACP will be highlighted throughout the year in school updates. Parents can continue to request individual meetings with school counselors to discuss career and academic planning in addition to the small group academic advising meetings.